Left Formation

The following is a list in alphabetical order of those who we know have Left Formation. Highlighted names are linked to their obituary. 

Click here for those Killed in Action and Killed in Service.

Please send any additional information or photos of any 95th veteran to membership@95thbg.org.

For more photos and information about the men who served in the 95th Bomb Group (H), go to our Searchable Database.

P-Pilot; CP-Co-Pilot; Com P-Command Pilot; N-Navigator;  B-Bombardier; RO-Radio Operator; TT-Top Turret/Engineer; BT-Ball Turret Gunner; WG- Waist Gunner; TG-Tail Gunner; NT-Nose Gun/Togglier; RaO-Radar Operator; GCC–Ground Crew Chief; GC- Ground Crew; OR-Ordnance; AR-Armorer; IC-Insurance Clerk; PER-Personnel; HQ-Headquarters; OPS-Operations; ARC-American Red Cross

Abadie, Jack B

Abbott, Raymond P

Abraham, Melford P

Adams, Donald  WG

Albares, Vernon WG

Albert, Paul WG WG

Aldendifer, Joseph P

Alexander, Ralph GC

Allard, Stanley TG

Allman, Russell B

Anderson, Marvin TT

Aranda, Valentine GC

Asher, William BT

Aslagson, Harry WG

Austin, Richard CP

Austin, Jr., William GC

Baca, Frank BT

Baird, Paul CP

Baker, Harold  GC

Baker, Harrell WG

Bakke, Emil GC

Baker, James TG

Banks, John P

Barbour, Frank CP

Barker, John  CP

Barkley, Richard TG

Barnes, John N

Bassett, Luther RO

Barto, Robert N

Batch, Thomas P

Batcha, Thomas PG

Baum, Irving B

Beal, Marion B

Bean, Leffel TG

Beck, John GCC

Beckelman, Jack Com P

Beckwith, Frank GCC

Bellora, Robert TT

Berns, Philip TT

Bertram, Jack P

Besser, Charles P

Bevill, Patrick AR

Billings, Arthur TG

Binnebose, William WG

Bisnett, Alfred HQ

Bittner, Frederick TG

Blagg, Joe N

Blanton, Ernest GC

Bloch, Henry N

Bloomer, David GCC

Blueian, Sam GC

Bodenstein, Abraham  BT

Bothast, Robert GC

Boudon, Robert P

Bouley, Stuart  WG

Bowling, Ralph B

Bowling, Wilson TT

Brabander, Walter GCC

Brainard, Russell BT

Brennan, Charles  N

Bridges, Luther TG

Bright, Robert BT

Britten, Harold GCC

Broman, Eldon P

Brooks, Philip N

Brosi, Alfred TT

Brown, Alvin P

Brown, Cleburn P

Brown, Robert  WG

Brown, Willard N

Bruffey, Maxwell PER

Brumbaugh, George P

Bruns, Robert TG

Brunsdon, Ralph GC

Buchholtz, Lawrence RO

Bucklin, Walter TG

Bunch, Joel P

Burnham, Edward CP

Callaway, Shirley P

Campbell, Frank  HQ

Canfield, Fred RO

Capen, Robert BT

Cargo, David B

Carlsen, Roger RO

Carnahan, William RO

Carr, Max CP

Carriker, Noah TG

Carter, Robert N

Casaday, Marvin WG

Cassidy, Thomas WG

Cassidy, Frank  TG

Castellucci, Frank  BT

Cawrse, Allan  TG

Chamberlin, Thomas TG

Chancey, Buell GCC

Chaney, Ralph GC

Chapra, Gabriel RO

Charles, William “Ed” N

Chilton, Edward TG

Cihon, Joseph TT

Clay, Jr., Sam TT

Clark, Russell RO

Clowes, Robert N

Connelley, Neal  OPS

Connor, Colon GC

Connor, William CP

Conley, Harry P

Correia, Lional P

Cox, Harvey CP

Cozens, Robert P

Creutz, Richard GC

Crider, Paul P

Crittenden, Alex GC

Croeni, Theodore RO

Cropper, Ernest BT

Cross, Arl WG

Crow, Marshall TT

Crowell, Harold TT

Crowley,  Jasper  WG

Crutchfield, Roy GCC

Cumbaa, Noel OPS

Cunliffe, Edward TG

Cunningham, Edward  P

Cupp, Robert WG

Curley, Richard CP

Datlow, Nathan N

Davis, Robert P

De Ainza, Charles B

Dean, Frank CP

Dechambre, Gerald B

De Fazio, Peter TG

Deger, Clarence N

DeHart, Thomas  TG

DeLio, Joseph RO

DeMent, James B

Detlefs, Darwin P

Devaney, Richard BT

DeVoe, Niles N

Dietz, Francis  B

Dillon, Richmond BT

Dillon, Robert P

DiMartino, Joseph P

Dimit, Frank B

DiRico, Joseph WG

Dow, Roger  A/G

Doxon, Myron P

Drahos, Edward TT

Driggers, Albert B

Dulle, Harold P

Dyvig, Merlin TG

Eason, Wyren  OPS

Edgar, J.  RO

Edgar, Jesse B

Egan, Earl  WG

Eliason, Thomas OPS

Emerson, Clayton RO

Engelhard, Eugene GC

Engelhardt, Albert N

Engen, Melvin GC

Engler, Gerald  WG

Ennis, Robert GC

Erie, Clifford  IC

Eubert, Malcolm BT

Evans, Burt CP

Evans, Oran BT

Evans, Robert  WG

Eveland, John WG

Evers, Raymond RO

Eversten, Harry N

Ezell, Walter WG

Fackrell, Heber B

Falk, John CP

Fall, Bernard

Farden, Richard B

Faunce, Linwood RO

Fay, Robert BT

Fedor, John GCC

Fedor, Leo P

Feest, Clarence WG

Feingold, Louis N

Feld, Sam  B

Felkel, Lewis P

Fenimore, Dean  AR

Fernhout, John TG

Ferreter, John P

Fetter, Loren WG

Finn, William GCC

Finley, James TT

Fischette, Richard  N

Fisher, Jr., John B

Fix, Milton GCC

Fletcher, Eugene P

Flygstad,  Donald, N

Foley, Paul GC

Fontana, Paul RO

Ford, Vergene P

Forrester, Albert N

Forst, Harry WG

Fournier, James  B

Fox, Vincent N

Francis, Leo P

Frankosky, James Com P

Fraudin, George RO

Freiberg, Louis

Freyer, Charles B

Frisch, Herbert B

Fuller, D.L BT

Funck, John  TT

Gabrelcik, Robert  TT

Gadwa, Francis Lincoln TT

Galbraith, James P

Galchutt, Arthur BT

Gallagher, Charles  TT

Gard, Wendell GC

Gardner, Wilmer WG

Garmong, Harold  NT

Garrett, Merle  WG

Gates, Ordway B

Gavaioli, Robert Lead N

Gerhart, John K. Com P

Gibs, Thomas P

Gibson, Thomas  P

Giddings, George BT

Gifford, William N

Gilbert, Larry  P

Gill, John  N

Gill, John M. GC

Gilles, Mark P

Gilmore, Clyde RO

Gladding, Augustus CP

Glyman, Emanuel  RO

Godal, Stephen HQ

Godek, Louis TG

Goff, James N

Gotard, Raymond AR

Goldsbury, Joseph RO

Goodwin, Henry WG

Gosselin, Joseph B

Goldstein, Sidney RO

Gracen, Sidney RO

Graeber, Charles  TG

Graesser, Lyle  RO

Grant, Jr., Edward  P

Grasso, John GC

Graves, A.L. BT

Green, Ken GC

Green, Frank GC

Greene, Guy RO

Gregory, James  N

Griffin, Donald BT

Griffin, Glen WG

Griffin, John B

Griffin, Ralph WG

Griffiths, Stanley  B

Grime, Gene RO

Gross, John P

Gross, John N

Grove, Ronald  TG

Grunwell, Lawrence P

Guion, Verne CP

Gunning, William  N

Guy, Wilfred

Haaf, Ralph  CP

Haebig, Matthew  RO

Hagenbaugh, James P

Hagerty, James J. B

Hall, Dean TT

Hallman, Jack RO

Halstead, Harold CP

Hargrove, John P

Harman, Loren TG

Harris, Charles WG

Harris, Morton P

Harris, Theo CP

Hawk, Frank B

Hillgardner, Albert WG

Holahan, James B

Hamilton, James P

Hamlik, Anthony P

Hamlin, Robert WG

Hansen, Leonard P

Hapner, Francis N

Hargrove, John P

Harlow, Willis  WG

Harris, Lester  RO

Harris, William N

Harsh, Leo  CP

Hartman, Loren TG

Hartney, Sr., James WG

Harvey, Richard P

Hathaway, Benjamin B

Hawk, Frank B

Hayes, Kenneth GCC

Hayes, Donald

Hayne, Melvin N

Hemingway, Emery TT

Hempen, Theodore  WG

Hendershot, Floyd B

Henderson, David HQ

Henderson, William TG

Hepworth, Charles N

Herbig, James TG

Herman, Leonard B

Hertzog, William GC

Higgins, Leo B

Hightshoe, Robert P

Hill, Nat TG

Hillman, Albert N

Hines, Amos P

Hinojos, Adam GC

Hintermeier, Paul N

Hobbs, Raymond P

Holahan, James B

Holbrook, Thomas OPS

Holcomb, James  RO

Holcomb, Bob CP

Holcomb, William

Hollamon, Joseph TG

Hollyfield, Claude CP

Holmes, Richard B

Holt, Clifford RO

Hood, George N

Hopkins, James TT

Hopwood, Henry RO

Hornbuckle, Charles N

Hornung, Irving WG

House, Gale P

Howard, Kermit GCC

Huffstutler, Milton TG

Huie, Perry P

Hull, Harry B

Hupp, Doral BT

Hurley, John F. WG

Hutcherson, Ken RO

Hutchings, James N

Hutchison, Ian TG

Iliff, Harold

Infield, Glenn P

Inman, Robert N

Isbell, William WG

Ivalis, George B

Jackson, John  CP

Jacobsen, Edwin P

Jacobson, Neal OPS

Janney, Edison  B

Janney, Leonard GC

Jehlen, William BT

Johnson, Andrew GC

Johnson, Edward P

Johnson, Elwood TT

Johnson, John N

Johnson, Kenneth B

Johnson, Randolph P

Johnston, Donald  BT

Jonas, Delmer N

Jones, Seaborn BT

Jostwick, Earl BT

Jutzi, Robert P

Kaiser, Barbara B. ARC

Kalfa, William  BT

Keeler, Albert CP

Keeney, John N

Kelley, James TT

Keller, Edward B

Kelly, Edward RO

Kelley, Ralph HQ

Kennie, Fred CP

Kerlec, Garland TT

Kessler, Alfred HQ

Kile, David N

Kille, John  B

Kille, Jack B

Kimpel, John WG

King, Francis P

Kinni, Joseph GC

Kiser, James B

Klager, Paul GC

Klinger, Alphus

Knox, Frank COM

Knox, Melbourne WG

Kopke, Frederick  RO

Korber, Robert GC

Korman, John N

Korol, George TG

Korol, Henry TT

Kozlowski, John TT

Krejci, Joseph N

Krepley, Joseph B

Kring, Lesley P

Krueger, Lloyd N

Kuder, Emerson NT

Kurczewski, Edward TG

LaBrosse, Lorenzo BT

Lane, Edward N

Lajeskie, Charles P

Landwehr, Thomas N

Lansberry, Harold WG

Lansford, Eugene GC

Lattis, Albert N

Layden, John P

Layl, Billy Bob P

LeCorchick, Edwin TG

L’Ecuyer, Gregory P

Lennox, Leslie P

Leppo, John

Liggett, Billy TT

Lindley, William P

Livoli, Milton WG

Lloyd, John B

LoCicero, Anthony  RO

Luciano, Charles WG

Lopez, Alfred B

Lundahl, Lee B

Lukens, George TG

Lund, Everett B

Lunney, John P

Lykken, Vernon BT

Lytle, Milton B

MacIsaac, George WG

Macki, Einer RO

Maddox, Gerald P

Mago, Frank B

Makarewicz, Marion  BT

Makelky, Leo BT

Malkin, Arnold B

Manley, Richard N

Maniatty, Constantine GC

Martin, Frank TG

Masiello, Paul GC

Mason, Frances GC

Massinello, Michael BT

Mathews, Valgene P

Matteson, Erdley WG

Matthews, Donald BT

Maxwell, Richard  TG

Mayo, Royce  BT

McCarraher, Edward RO

McCleave, Earl  CP

McClure, Robert S. WG

McClure, Robert HQ

McConnell, Robert GC

McConnell, Stewart NT

McEntee, Matthew P

McGinty, Elmer WG

Merten, Donald CP

McEvoy, Vincent RO

McEwan, William N

McGibbney, George WG

McKeon, Joseph OPS

McKnight, David HQ

McLeod, Francis CP

McMillan, William BT

McMurtry, Robert P

McRainey, James CP

McReynolds, Leonard P

McVay, Birch P

Mecham, Arnold BT

Meehan, Walter WG

Melcher, John N

Merten, Donald CP

Messersmith, Frank N

Meyer, Julian  B

Meyer, Vincent N

Miccio, John RO

Miles, Frank WG

Miller, Byron B

Miller, John P

Mills, William CP

Minaghan, James BT

Misulich, Joseph WG

Mitchell, Joseph GC

Molino, Anthony RO

Moller, Joseph P

Moore, Norman RO

Moore, Roland GCC

Morris, Sr., James  TT

Morris, Lester CP

Morissette, Laurier P

Morrison, Edward BT

Mowbray, William  OPS

Mumford, Grif P

Munro, Richard TG

Murphy, James CP

Murphy, John TT

Murphy, Patrick RO

Murray, Raymond CP

Murray, Keith B

Mutz, Joseph WG

Myers, Russell GC

Nairn, Roland “Lefty” B

Natt, Michael WG

Neal, Jr., Andrew  RO

Neely, Rex RO

Nelon, Claude CP

Nelson, Allan TT

Newland, Harley  TG

Newman, Jr., Robert P

Nolan, Robert  RO

Norman, Clyde GCC

Novak, John WG

Nunnold, Frederick TG

O’Hara, Thomas CP

Oehlert, Lloyd P

Oestreich, Harry  TG

Olsson, David HQ

O’Neil, James BT

Onesi, Anthony WG

Orndorff, Elmer P

Oswald, Charles GCC

Otis, Donald CP

O’Toole, Joseph P

Otto, Kenneth TT

Overdorff, Donald N

Owen, William P

Packard, Jr., Ernest BT

Palmer, Horace P

Pammer, Fred WG

Parker, Ernest RO/WG

Parsons, Carlton CP

Parsons, John TG

Payne, Eugene P

Peace, Herman BT

Peairs, John TG

Pearson, John B

Peek, Chester OPS

Perceful, Paul CP

Perry,  Leroy  CP

Perry, Ray TG

Peterson, Robert  TG

Pettinelli, Silvio RO

Pharr, Kenneth WG

Philpott, Jammie P

Pierce, Francis B

Pifer, Lawrence BT

Piper, Ronald CP

Plasket, Jack N

Pitts, Fitje ARC

Pline, Lorenzo GC

Pollard, Billie B

Poland, Philip HQ

Porter, Albert BT

Porter, Lyle WG

Portmann, Richard  N

Powell, Benjamin TT

Powell, Dale BT

Powell, James  BT

Powers, Harold P

Price, Charles C. CP

Purdy, Charles WG

Quesinberry, Arden  NT

Rachetts, Raymond B

Rammell, Max TG

Ramos, Benjamin RO

Ramp, Wilbur N

Rand, Howard BT

Rand, Roger  P

Rasko, Ed N

Rector, Leo GC

Redding, Harry CP

Redtfeldt, Gordon  N

Reinhart, Donald WG

Reinis, Martin  RO

Renner, Robert  CP

Rensch, Harold CP

Revels, Ray TG

Rey, Manuel P

Reynolds, Paul B

Reznick, Joseph BT

Richter, Marvin RO

Rice, Ralph BT

Rich, William H. WG

Richmond, Harry BT

Riddle, Wendell TG

Riley, Bernie GCC

Ritchie, Mack TG

Roberti, Michael TT

Robichaud, Oliver P

Robison, Fred GC

Robinson, Ralph OPS

Robinson, Richard P

Rockett, Maurice B

Rodgers, Frederick WG

Rodriguez, Ernesto  TG

Rogers, Robert WG

Ropers, Willard  AR

Rosenzweig, Frederick P

Ross, Theophil GC

Rossignol, Wilson TG

Rothman, Irving  TT

Roujansky, Benjamin RO

Rourke, William P

Roy, John  WG

Rudloff, George CP

Ruh, Francis N

Russell, Eugene N

Rylander, Victor N

Sachtjen, John CP

Salge, Bennie B

Salisbury, Robert CG

Sammons, John GCC

Samuelson, Daniel TG

Saucier, Richard TT

Saunders, James BT

Scalone, Robert BT

Schaad, Carlyle P

Schiorring, Frank RO

Schlichenmayer, Gerald  BT

Schneider, Edward W. RO

Schneider, Henry WG

Schroedter, Edward TG

Schuessleer, Arthur B

Schultz, Henry  WG

Schulz, Delmar P

Scott, Lewis B

Scott, Lyle P

Scott, Melvin P

Scripture, Ellis N

Scroggins, Arthur B

Segelken, William CP

Settlemire, James  P

Seyda, Josephy CP

Shaffer, Robert BT

Shaffer, Sterling TG

Sharp, Edward CP

Shaughnessy, Charles N

Shaver, Morris TG

Sheehan, Jerry N

Sheller, James P

Shelton, Oscar TG

Shepard, John P

Shogren, Maurice GCC

Shuster, Carl N

Simi, Silvio WG

Simpson, Stephen N

Skaggs, McElton TG

Skiles, Willaim GCC

Skinner, Elton N

Skwarlo, Zachary

Sloane, Ralph  P

Slusher, Eugene CP

Smevaag, John N

Smith, Carl GC

Smith, Edward WG

Smith, John  B

Smith, Richard A. P

Smith, Richard M. P

Smithberger, Ralph N

Smock, John  TT

Snow, Rodney P

Snyder, Allen CP

Snyder, Donald P

Soisson, Richard TT

Solberg, LaMoine B

Southard, Frederick BT

Souza, Manuel CP

Specht, Norris WG

Spencer, Melvin N

Spiess, William OPS

Spingola, Salvatore TT

Spinnenweber. Robert B

Spitznagel, Robert RaO

Spivey, John WG

Squyres, Roy P

Stanborough, Zach P

Star, John RO

Steele, Bryon TT

Steele, William N

Stein, Charles TT

Stephens, Lee TT

Stevens, Dwight P

Stevenson, Fred GC

Stewart, George P

Stewart, John D. GC

Stewart, Warren TT

Stokes, Robert TG

Stone, Curtis HQ

Storck, Eugene CP

Storie, John P

Story, Leland WG

Stotler, Harry WG

Strader, Noel Com P

Sulick, Sr., George RO

Sullivan, Corwin   

Sundin, Roger P

Sutton, John P

Sweeney, Robert RaO

Swift, Wilbert P

Tavis, Stacy P

Taylor, David P

Taylor, Martin P

Tholen, Christian  WG

Thomas, Arthur N

Thomas, Halcott  P

Thomas, John TG

Thorngren, Roger B

Thurman, Taylor RO

Tice, Guy TT

Titus, Robert N

Tognascioli, Joseph WG

Tortora, Patrick RO

Tripodi, Albert  WG

Trompeter, Robert BT

Trotta, Peter RO

Tucci, Paul N

Turner, Marion P

Turner, Melvin

Turner, Robert  CP

Tyhurst, Richard N

Ulrich, Norman P

Underwood, Earl TG

Urankar, John RaO

Van Brocklin, Jr., Gilbert B

Vandam, Frank TT

Vandegriff, William RO

Vasquez, Guillermo WG

Verschuuren, Charles  B

Von Stade, Alexander TG

Voss, Carl GC

Walker, Freeman CP

Walls, Milton  NT

Walter, John P

Waters, Ray TG

Watson, Abram  N

Watson, Arthur AR

Watt, John B

Wayman, Charles B

Webb, John TT

Well, Robert B

Wells, Lewis P

Wenthur, Pierce  B

Westerkamp, Joseph B

Wheaton, Stanley HQ

White, L.C. CP

White, Vernon WG

Whitman, William B

Wickstrom, Gordon TG

Wiercioch, Richard  BT

Wilcox, Lyle  WG

Wilkov, Herb N

Williams, James  CP

Williams, William TG

Wills, Lawrence BT

Wilson, Rollie  TG

Wilson, Max P

Wint, James BT

Wishkin, Hyman TT

Wolter, David  CP

Wright, Herbert P

Wright, Richard  P

Wright, Kenneth  CP

Wylie, Warren  WG

Wyrick, Clair P

Yankus, Thomas RO

Yopp, Robert GC

Yursky, Edward TG

Ziegler, Ralph P

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Janie McKnight