Philadelphia 2018
Beth and Bob Rosenzweig, Ray Hobbs
Carl Endris
Clorinda Dodds, Duane and Patrice Basham, Michele Slade
Danny Clegg, Marlene Piot, Nadine Moeller, Deb Roberts Marcia Moyers
Duane Basham, Dan Dodds, Patty Gardner
Gary and Gwen Walker
The McKnight family with Sue Roujansky (L)
Julianne Jilinski, Gayle and Michael Weiss, Midge Gunvalson
Ray Hobbs
Herb and Sandy Wilkov
The Bertrams and Sue Roujansky
Jack Bertram
John and Cheryl Mollison
Jack Bertram, Ray Hobbs, John Mollison
Ken Hutcherson
Jerry and Deb Roberts
Kyle Mattina
Linda Endris, Deb Roberts, Marcia Moyer, Becky Grove, Ann Cook, Dick Westerburg
Ray Hobbs, Sandy Wentzell, Jack Bertram with Missing Man flag
Luc Zaman
Laney Baltazar and Jo Ann Hinojos
Luc Zaman and Marlene Piot
Nadeen Thornhill
Luc Zaman, Michael and Kay Wieser (niece of Tom Sevald, the co-pilot with John Walter who was killed by flak on their first mission)
Nina Rothman
Margaret Blagg and Sandy Wilkov
Paul and Bunny Dillon
Sandy and Herb Wilkov with Luc Zaman
Phil Samponaro and Jerry Roberts
Sandy Wilkov, Ray Hobbs, Herb Wilkov, Bob Rosenzweig
Russ McKnight and Ray Hobbs
Susan and Keith Cappes
Veterans Jack Bertram, Ken Hutcherson, Ray Hobbs, Sandy Wentzell
Susan and Toby Mumford
Sandy Wentzell, Ray Hobbs, Jack Bertram
Todd Gunvalson and Midge Gunvalson, Ronald and Julianne Jilinski
Sandy Wentzell
Sandy Wentzell
Dick Westerburg, Dottie Mattina, Ann Cook, Kyle Mattina, Deb Roberts