Ray Hobbs
Ray Hobbs, 334th pilot
“Seventy-nine years ago this morning, I boarded the Bamberger train to Salt Lake City. We were picked up by a truck and taken to Social Hall Avenue where I joined the Army Air Corps. It was a memorable day, and I am thankful for the time I was able to serve. I joined to be an aircraft welder. Finished welding school, then armament school, and then into pilot training/cadet training, where I finished at Marfa, Texas. I need to add this: I served in the 95th Group, the Eighth Air Force, and was privileged to be able to fly the mercy missions to haul [food bundles] in the six mercy missions [to Holland]. It was a blessing for me for all my life. We’re blessed to live here in the United States.”
– Ray Hobbs, 30 October 2021