Get Involved!

The memory of the 95th Bomb Group’s deeds and actions is preserved by supporters like you.  The sacrifices these men made for our freedom during WWII is a part of US history that must not fade away.  

Our members keep us flying, so please join us!

Annual dues are $35 per year for an Individual Membership or $55 for a Household Membership.

In order to encourage the next generation of membership in the 95th, the Board of Directors has created a new category of membership called, aptly, NEXT GENERATION. This category of membership is available to members who are 40 or younger and the annual membership dues are $15. We encourage you to give a gift of membership to the younger generation in your family so that they will one day become the leadership of the 95th Bomb Group Memorials Foundation and lead the 95th into the future.

What better way to thank a veteran than to honor their service with your membership!

  • Join safely and securely online by clicking the “Join/Renew Online” button on the left. You must have an email address to use the “Join Online” feature.

  • If you wish to make a donation to honor a veteran or family member or simply donate to the 95th, click on the Donate block below Join/Renew Online in the blocks to the left.

  • Join through the mail by using the “Print Membership Form” link on the left and simply mailing it to the address on the form.

  • To access the “Member Directory” you must first create an account by clicking the “Join Online” link to the left or the “Join” tab in the banner at the top of the page.

  • Keep the legacy of the 95th alive by purchasing a Gift Membership for a family member or a friend of the 95th. Bringing new generations of members will build on the foundation created by our veterans and their wives and will keep the Foundation alive for years to come.

Janie McKnight