2025 Donations
In Loving Memory
Harry & Margaret Aslagson
Joe L. Bonner
Ed Charles
Ted & Jackie DeHart
Red Dillon
Harold C. Hall
Adam Hinojos
Annie Hinojos
Ray Howlett
William H. Isbell, Sr.
Edwin A. Jacobsen
Mary F. Jacobsen
Alan Johnson
Edwin LeCorchick
Harold Lippert
Charles Donald Luciano
Dave McKnight
Grace McKnight
Donald T. Paulson
Brad Petrella
Harold M. Powers
Roy Ed Rightmire
Joseph Roderick
Charles Smiley
Allen Snyder
John C. Walter
In Support of the 95th Bomb Group Memorials Foundation
William L. Ball III
Kathy Sackett
Antonio Savoca
Nancy McKnight Smith
Monetary Donations
As our numbers diminish, the need for your support grows greater. A fitting tribute to our veterans can be as a gift in their memory to the 95th Bomb Group Memorials Foundation. If you would like to honor someone in this way, click on the donation link below to make your contribution safely and securely online. If you would prefer to donate by check, please contact our treasurer, Russ McKnight, at
Photos, Artifacts,
Personal Memorabilia
We realize that many of you have precious items that you wish to see handled respectfully and appropriately. It has long been the established policy of the Foundation that it will not accept items for itself (since it has no physical location), but will accept gifts and pass them on to an appropriate repository—that is, a museum or organization that can care for them properly in perpetuity, one that will respect the mission of the 95th BG and see that its artifacts are made available for research and viewing, as possible. We have designated three repositories which we feel best meet these criteria: The Red Feather Club Museum in Horham, England (our official public museum in the UK), the Library of Congress in Washington, DC, and the National Museum of the Mighty Eighth Air Force in Savannah, Georgia.
We urge 95th veterans and their families to either donate 95th artifacts, photos and papers or give "right of first refusal" for purchase if it becomes necessary to sell them online or at public auction. For more information, please contact Phil Samponaro, Vice President of the 95th Bomb Group Memorials Foundation at
Our Collections Policy and Deed of Gift